Great News! The Archdiocese of New York has announced that our churches may reopen for Sunday Mass this Sunday, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ!
In accordance with Archdiocesan guidelines there will be some changes to our usual celebration of Mass.
Parishioners are asked to maintain the required six-foot social distance. Of course, families may sit together! Please be respectful of your neighbors.
Please wear a face mask. It may be removed for reception of holy communion. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must wear a mask during distribution of Communion.
The sign of peace should be exchanged without physical contact. A smile and wave are appropriate.
Distribution of the Precious Blood of Christ from the chalice will be suspended until further notice.
During the distribution of Holy Communion, individuals should receive the host reverently in open hands.
Sickness is a valid reason not to attend Mass and the requirement to attend continues to be suspended. Anyone who is ill or has risk factors for Covid-19 is urged to stay home.
Please exit church after Mass without socializing in the aisles or vestibule.
Our first priority is the safety of the people and clergy. If you are at all concerned with returning to Mass, are older than 65, or have underlying health conditions, please stay home. The dispensation from Mass attendance continues until further notice. Mass may by viewed online or on TV. I will continue to mail bulletins to all who’d like. Leave a message at the parish office or drop a note in the collection basket on Sunday letting me know to stop.